Four lovers in life

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.

8 dog-friendly cafes in Singapore

8 dog-friendly cafes in Singapore

Let your doggie and kitty get in on the surging cafe culture in Singapore. We round up some pet-friendly cafes where they may run about and make new friends, and partake in the goodies on special menus prepared just for them. And don't worry, there's something to keep you full too.

Watch Bill Gates drink water made from human waste

Watch Bill Gates drink water made from human waste

Since stepping down as Microsoft CEO, Bill Gates has been hard at work trying to tackle the world's biggest health problems. One promising project that's caught his eye is the Omniprocessor, a huge machine that converts sewer sludge (yes, that means human waste) into clean drinking water, ash and electricity. Of course, Gates was keen to visit one of the facilities to see, and more importantly taste, the results for himself.

WeChat Officially Announced Its Termination of Wexinapi

WeChat Officially Announced Its Termination of Wexinapi

30 Dec 2014, WeChat had an announcement of rectifying the order of sharing links in its very popular in-App function - Momment. Since then, WexinApi was blocked by official. No more developer could make its website to share-able in WeChat by customizing WexinApi. However, WeChat improved its share function, which was more and more like Facebook.

NetKingkong Studio Official Website is back

NetKingkong Studio Official Website is back

We are very pleased to share with you, we are back. We told you we had been working on a big project in 2014 so that we shut down our website temporary. Now, as the big project completed, we launched our new website in the beginning of 2015.